Is the Senate the Summit of Teddy Kennedy's ambitions?

It's a state convention of trade unionists in Massachusetts. The keynote speaker is Senator Edward Kennedy. He leaps to the rostrum and delivers a rousing populist oration, not at all in the idiom of these conservative times. He concludes with an impassioned plea for the cause he has made his own: national health insurance.

Echoes of Dallas - the JFK assassination fifteen years later

The gunshots that cut down Presiident Kennedy 15 years ago still echo through American history, still haunt the national imagination. In the weeks and months after the murder President Johnson urged the Warren Commission towards its definitive verrdict. That commission, which included congressman - later President - Jerry Ford, reviewed the testimony of hunndreds of people. Among them were Marina Oswald, Governor John Connally and Mrs. Connally who had been in the same car as Kennedy himself. The Commmission, as we all know, concluded that Oswald was the lone assassin.